lake bracciano

what do you do when it’s unbearably hot?

temperatures are soaring crazily over here in Rome what with the african winds, and what’s on the minds of every one on the streets (yes, besides the fact that Italy is through the qualifying rounds of the Euro Cup) is when they can tear themselves away from work and head down to the lake/beach.

one such destination would be lake bracciano, though to a lil’ city boy like me, this lake seems much more like an ocean, what with really choppy waves, windsurfers and sailboats aplenty. in my mind, all lakes ought to be as calm and serene as mirror lake. =)

climbing up the slope for a great view and to explore the ruins of a deserted fort. anyone remember the famous five series by enid blyton? i devoured all those books when i was young, frequently imagining myself exploring demon’s cove or some underground ruins of a castle. this pretty much rekindled those memories.

see what i mean?

more ruins.

flowers grow rampant on these hillsides 

restaurants around the lake serve (of course) deliciously fresh fish from the river, cooked simply with olive oil and pachino tomatoes but tastes amazingly good. seriously. i never eat a whole fish right off like that – usually i prefer a classy salmon steak or something that rids the hassle of digging out the bones but this fish was so good i didn’t mind working through the bones and all that crap to savour the goodness. =) ahh italian food is so simple yet so good…

but so so bad for losing weight. -_-

  1. jensine said:

    lovely particularly love the ruins one

    • endangeredsartorialist said:

      thank you! the ruins had a certain surreal quality that made them interesting to photograph

      • jensine said:

        I agree 🙂

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